About Llewellyn
Llewellyn Dykes, MPAA, GPPA, CES, represents clients throughout the country and appraises fine art, antiques, estates heirlooms, collectibles and more. He has also been involved with discovering and marketing many valuable treasures.
Once the value of the art is determined, Llewellyn Dykes Appraisals formulates a power marketing strategy to broker your assets at the best possible terms.
Art Appraisals
Art Brokerage
Before you can convert an estate to liquid assets for probate or other financial settlement purposes, before you risk your more valuable assets, it is vital to know their true worth and, more importantly, exactly how, when and where to sell them.
As a practice most insurance companies require an updated insurance appraisal every three years for fine art, better antiques and jewelry. Do you need to update your insurance policy?
Insurance Appraisals.
Llewellyn Dykes Appraisals